The Pool Area is for the exclusive use of Unit Owners and their Guest
2025 Days of Operation and Hours will be announced in May of 2025.
Weekday Hours: 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Weekend and Holiday Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Obtaining a Pool Photo ID – Only Residents will be issued a Pool Photo ID
A charge of $25.00 will be imposed for new Pool Photo ID.
Owner Resident Pool Photo ID Pass and Owner’s “Resident Guest (Tenant)” Pool Photo ID Pass may be utilized for the duration of Residency at the Unit listed on pass.
Pool Photo ID Pass holder must present their Pool Photo ID every time they enter the pool area.
Residents may obtain “Daily Guest” wristbands at the cost of $3.00 each.
Daily Guest must present a wristband for each daily visit and must be accompanied by their Host, at all times.
The Lifeguard must witness the placement of the wristband on your wrist each daily visit.
DO NOT place wristband on until after you sign in with the Lifeguard.
Maximum of five guests per unit, per visit.
Patrons ages 5 and under do not require an individual pool pass.
Gratis Pool Passes (2024 Pool Season only) – Must have a Resident Pool Photo ID to receive
As a small token of appreciation for Pool Patrons Patience last pool season; Gratis Pool Passes will be issued to each Unit that has a resident with a Pool Photo ID. The total Gratis Pool Passes equals the number of days for which the pool is scheduled to be opened in June, which is 22. You will receive an envelope with 22 Gratis Pool Passes for you to utilize as you would “Guest wristbands”. Gratis Pool Passes are valid for the month of June only. As of July 1, 2024, all Gratis Pool Passes will be expired and void.
Gratis Pool Passes are per unit, not per Pool Photo ID Pass holder.
Each used Gratis Pool Pass must be surrendered to the Lifeguard, at the time you sign your guest in.
All patrons must adhere to the VBCA Pool Rules.
The Unit Owner is responsible for all patrons associated with the Unit Owner’s unit.
The Unit Owner will be held accountable for all the actions of all patrons associated with the Unit Owner’s unit.
All Pool charges will be imposed to the unit associated with the Patron.
Pool Passes are not available at the Pool. They can only be obtained at the VBCA Management Office
Pool Passes will be completed Monday – Friday 10:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. You may stop by the office, Email, drop a written request in the Management Office Drop Box (located on the VBCA Management Office door), Fax 302-368-7265, or telephone 302-368-1633.
Admittance to the pool will be denied if:
1) unit is on the delinquency list or member is marked as banned.
2) pool Photo ID Unit # or name does not match the resident’s list, do not have a valid Pool Photo ID.
3) have a Guest Pass, without a valid Pool Photo ID and are not being accompanied by a member with a valid Pool Photo ID.
4) you would be a sixth or more guests for the Unit #.
The Pool Area is for the exclusive use of VBCA Unit Owners, residents, and their guest.
1. The Unit Owner shall be charged for any damage caused to the pool area by anyone associated with the unit.
2. All persons using the pool area shall refrain from carrying out any action that would cause a noise disturbance and shall
conduct themselves so that their actions will not be offensive or annoying to others.
3. All pool patrons must obey the Pool Rules and Regulations.
4. Access to the pool area and pool is restricted to times when pool is officially open and a lifeguard is on duty.
5. Anyone using the pool area does so at their own risk and cannot hold Pool Management or VBCA responsible for any
accidents or loss or damage to any personal property of any kind.
6. Unit Owner, resident, and guest will not be permitted into the pool area if the Unit Owner is delinquent and/or in
violation of the Bylaws.
7. Prior to entering the pool area all patrons must present a valid VBCA Pool Photo ID to the lifeguard and sign the register.
8. Passes must remain visible while in the pool area.
9. Guest passes may be purchased at VBCA Management Office.
10. Guest MUST be accompanied by a VBCA Pool Photo ID holder while in the pool area.
11. Items, not belonging to VBCA, are not permitted to be left in the pool area or pool bath houses. All items left behind will
be disposed of, upon discovery.
12. Bicycles, balls of any kind, frisbees, rafts, mats, surfboards, toys, flotation devices, wheeled toys, etc. are not permitted
in the pool area.
13. Running, pushing, wrestling or any other undue disturbances will not be tolerated.
14. Only service or assist animals are permitted in the pool area.
15. Admission will be refused to all persons having, open sores, bandages of any kind, infectious diseases, sore or inflamed
eyes, colds, nasal or ear discharge, or any communicable disease of any kind.
16. Spouting of water and similar unhygienic actions will not be permitted in the pool.
17. Food is permitted ONLY in the designated areas.
18. Glass containers are not permitted in or around the pool area.
19. All trash and refuse must be placed in the receptacles provided.
20. Smoking and the possession and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs within the pool area is strictly prohibited.
21. Intoxicated patrons will be refused admission to the pool area and/or will be required to leave the pool area if they
become intoxicated after receiving entry.
22. A swimming test, deemed appropriate by the lifeguard on duty, will be required of all beginning swimmers.
23. Children wearing diapers must also wear plastic pants.
24. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult, 18 years or older.
25. Children using Swimmies must be kept within arm’s length of their supervising adult.
26. The wading pool is limited to children age 10 and under and their supervising adult.
27. The lifeguard is in complete charge of the pool and the pool area. All pool patrons will abide by his/her instructions
related to admission, safety, rules, and conduct. The lifeguard has the absolute authorization to deny any Unit Owner,
resident, or guest use of this facility.
VBCA Council shall have the right to impose the following penalties to pool patron for non-compliance of the Pool Rules
and Regulations.
1) Suspension of pool privileges
2) Ban from the pool