Common areas or elements consist of everything outside of unit interior walls, windows, doors (except air-conditioners and heaters) including elevators, hallways, and grounds.
The cost of Restorations, Resolutions, or Corrections for any damage to buildings, recreational facilities or other Common areas or elements caused by a Unit Owner, Occupant, Tenant, Guest, or Animal shall be the expense of the Unit Owner.
Owner, Occupant, Tenant, and Guest shall refrain from:
altering, modifying, constructing, or removing any Common areas or elements.
using any area, other than walkways, for pedestrian ingress and egress.
littering the Condominium Property.
erecting or placing signs, lamp posts, fences, birdbaths or other adornments upon the Condominium Property.
writing, drawing, or painting upon, removing, mounting signs on or otherwise defacing fences, enclosures, walks or curbs.
using Common area or elements for the storage of any articles whatsoever. Exception: see “Storage Rooms”
igniting fires except for the use of enclosed grills on Villa Belmont Picnic areas only.
loitering or playing upon or in the parking areas, driveways, or carrying out any activity upon Condominium Property which will cause unreasonable wear and tear to the grounds or which could cause injury or damage to any person, vehicle, unit, or building i.e. throwing or batting any object/item.
placing lawn chairs, tables, barbecues, game equipment, toys and other such items in any spot or area upon the grounds not prescribed for such use by the Council.
planting flowers, vegetables, shrubs or trees on Condominium Property. NOTE: existing units with flower or vegetable beds, whether established or inherited by the Owner, must be maintained, including its trimming, clearing, and cleaning by the Owner OR the Owner must remove the bed and restore the bed area to its pre-existing grassed state.