All Landlords must complete a “Permitted Rental Unit Request Form” prior to signing a lease with each new tenant (Available Online). Landlords must make certain that the lease they choose for their Tenant(s) conforms with, and makes specific reference to, the legal documents of the Association. Refer to Article 23 and the Rules and Regulations for requirements. Three (3) copies of the Mandatory Lease provision (Available Online) must be signed at the time of the lease and one of those signed copies must be supplied to the office. An Attorney may be able to assist you in preparing the lease.
Remember, only the Owner is a member of the Association; you are responsible for abiding by all provisions and restrictions imposed by the Association’s legal documents, whether you reside in your unit or not. The Villa Belmont Condominium Association has no legal relationship to the Tenant(s). The Owner, as the Landlord, is legally responsible for the actions of their Tenant(s).
In order to inform the Tenant(s) of what is expected of them as a resident of Our Community the Landlord must supply them with the following documents:
Information Briefs on Pet/Vehicle/Moving in/out Policies
Information Briefs on Patio/Dumpster/Laundry/Storage Policies
Intercom/Fire Procedures
Resident Registration (All Owners, Occupants, and Tenants are required to complete a Villa Belmont Condominium Association Registration Form).
Pet Registration
Deliver a signed Landlord/Tenant Acknowledgement of Receipt Form to the office (See forms below)
Villa Belmont Condominium Association Rules and Regulations
The following is a list of must dos for Landlords:
Give their Tenant(s) instructions on the proper use of the facilities.
Inform their Tenant(s) that their neighbor’s rights to privacy and peace of mind are to be respected at all times.
Stress upon their Tenant(s) that living in a Condominium Community is very different from living in a Rental Apartment Community and that their responsibilities are the same as the Owners; they are obligated to adhere to the Villa Belmont Condominium Association Rules and Regulations.
You must review this information before a lease is signed.
In the event the Tenant’s behavior becomes a problem, the Management, on behalf of the association will issue violation letters to the Tenant(s) and the Landlord. The Landlord is expected to intervene on behalf of the Association to have the Tenant(s) immediately cease any improper/inappropriate behavior. If the problems persist the Landlord is expected to remove the Tenant(s) from Our Community. If the Landlord fails to act the issue will be referred to Council and/or the Association’s Attorney will initiate court proceedings. Attorney fees, court cost and collection fees will be charged to the owner’s account as well as any fines assessed.