1. No Owner, Occupant, Tenant, or Guest shall:

    • leave water running, dripping, or leaking for any unreasonable length of time.

    • cause or permit any tampering with, alterations of, interfering with, attempt to repair, or make connections into/with any Common area or elements water valves or piping, drain pipes, electrical or other wire, cable, line, or pipe.

  1. The Unit Owner MUST repair leaky faucets, toilets, and water heater within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery.  If repair is not completed by Unit Owner, within this stated time frame, Council or its designee shall utilize its right to enter the unit for emergency repair.  The Unit Owner will be billed for the repair.

  1. Use of water for shrubs, lawn care, or any unnecessary purpose other than human consumption shall be subject to regulations set by the Council.

  1. Toilets and drains shall be used for no other purpose than that for which they were designed. No sweepings, rubbish, scraps, papers, ashes, diapers, pet litter or other substances shall be deposited therein. Any repairs necessitated by the misuse of such facilities shall be charged to the Unit Owner.

  1. Owners must notify the Management Office at least five (5) days prior to initiating plumbing renovations which may cause water interruption for any Common elements or other units.

The Council shall have the right to impose the following penalties to the Unit Owner for non-compliance of the above regulations:  “Water, Plumbing, and Other Utilities”

  1. Assessment of a $50.00 fine, for each occurrence of non-compliance.

  2. Cost of restorations.

  3. Cost of Staff time and Professional fees, if applicable and the cost of Attorney and Court fees, if court action against Owner becomes necessary.